The year 2020 has not been easy, right? The definition of Pandemonium is "wild and noisy disorder or confusion; uproar." I believe we would all agree to replace that definition with 4 numbers: 2020.
To make things worse, if you are facing a Separation and Divorce, the Courts are CLOSED? Wait, what? The Court's have never been closed? Yes, I know. This is new terrain, we are all adjusting. As of this writing, some local courts here in Northern California have opened for limited purposes, but things can change quickly. It IS still 2020.
But, there is hope! Maybe not for your marriage, or for the year 2020, but there ARE alternatives to handle your divorce in an amicable and efficient manner - even amidst a Pandemic. As a Mediator and Collaborative Divorce practitioner, I have advocated for alternatives to litigation for many years. A Litigated Divorce is toxic to a family. If you share children, and are embroiled in a heavily litigated divorce, your children are going to feel the effects, for many years to come. Your extended family and friend will also feel the effects. Frankly, don't we all need a break from toxicity? Especially right now, in the Pandemonium that will forever be known as 2020.
Mediation and Collaborative Divorce are proving to be extremely effective in a virtual platform. Zoom is my new best friend. All that is required is a desire to handle your divorce in a manner that is better for your own mental, physical, emotional and financial health and that of your family. And a reliable internet connection.
We are here to help.
Be safe, be well.
Lana M. Shearer, Peacekeeper, Optimist, Mediator, Collaborative Practitioner, Certified Family Law Specialist, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Former Mediation Client in her own divorce, Reformed Litigator.